I made a WSG thing for everyone
i like the namco arcade sound chip thingy and bc of that i made a kit for the sound chip thingy whatever
here the heck it is
Masuyo's Upgrade: beginning
Start:May/1/2013 End: June/19/2013
Tynek Lenard Scene 1: Main Title
Fade in to the game of Baraduke.
Hey everyone, my name Masuyo, Masuyo “Kissy” Tobi.
That nickname Kissy, its sound like drunk, but not me, I’m not
one of them. I’m the member of the UGSF.
I was created by Namco, and I crossover to DigDug and Mr.Driller, in my game, I came to Paccet-Planet, a world full of Paccet’s.
And then I have a friend, Paccet.
In the game while Paccet appeared until the game starts.
I’m your friend.
Yeah, I let him to help me to free all the paccets.
And I was facing off with Octi, he’s the bad guy, oh, and Taiyo used my Paccet as a alien pet.
And here something about my game, Baraduke, known as the Alien Sector.
Masuyo's Upgrade: Soundtracks
Masuyo Rebooted: The Generation of Baraduke ( 益代のアップグレード: バラデュークの生成)
Create the soundtracks for end credits. Download here:http://musescore.org/
1.) Masuyo Rebooted- By Tynek Lenard: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibbKc4N5a9g&feature=youtu.be
2.)Baraduke Music, it's on the game in 8-bit- By Namco
3.)Namco Museum Baraduke remix- By Namco
4.)Party buster- Not made.
5.)Wubbzy, all theme to four characters- Not made.
6.)Treaspassing the Closters- Not made.
7.)The Virus- by Hard Trance Techno: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_XjXfPXyME&list=FLsjG933DJLoN3XJFPB7vhkA&index=1
8.) The Missing Character- Not made.
9.)Data complete- Not made.
10.)Muki Jubneky Theme- Not made.
11.)Vendetta's Flashback Virus- Not made.
12.)Spring flowers- Not made.
13.)Get away!- No…
Happy 29-30 Anniversary for Baraduke
Through 29 years of the Baraduke seires in 1985 preview of Dig Dug II, Masuyo's game has nothing to do about when the new Barade game is coming.
The Red-Cade Studio filming the Bandai Namco 2d animation movie of Masuyo's Upgrades: The generation of Baraduke, a 29-30 anniversary till the next year while Kissy's games were forgotten. Masuyo and the gane are in a Video World from the TV show of Captain N the Game Master, and they live in Pixilated Station, a place where all the old games and new games warp to this place till there year anniversary go over and register. --Mr. Nintendoshow
- Sorry to say this, but your English grammar is so bad, I have no idea what you are talking about. --Quick (u•t) 20:10, October 31, 2013 (UTC)